Hidden Springs Sewer Company Wastewater Treatment Facility Public Meeting

A meeting for residents in Hidden Springs and Cartwright Ranch was held 4/6/22. At that meeting the Town Council, OMCS Operators, Mountain Waterworks Engineers, North Star Reserves and Legal Counsel shared information regarding the history of the facility, how it currently operates, expansion and maintenance requirements for Reuse Permit (Reuse Permit No. M-174-05) compliance as well as funding options for the expansion and future projects. A recording of the meeting is available below. Notification regarding future increases and special assessments are pending notification of IDEQ loan funding in the next 4-6 weeks.

The agenda for the meeting was as follows:

Welcome & Introductions - Lisa Ahrens, Hidden Springs Town Manager
Overview & History of the Facility - John Ahrens, Hidden Springs Town Council
Wastewater Facility Plan & Expansion - Mountain Waterworks & OMCS
Sludge Removal - Lisa Ahrens
Reserve Study - Jeffrey Mousseau, Hidden Springs Town Council
Financial Update & Funding Options - Jeffrey Mousseau
The meeting was streamed live and recorded for thos who could not attend in person.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH Hidden Springs Sewer Company Wastewater Treatment Facility Public Meeting

PDF of HSSC Presentation 4/6/22

PDF of Mountain Waterworks Expansion Presentation 4/6/22


Hidden Springs Sewer Company

About the Wastewater Reclamation System

The purpose of this information is to provide an understanding of the Hidden Springs Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) and the challenges and responsibilities Hidden Springs Town Association and its members face as owners of the Hidden Springs Sewer Company for the operations and maintenance of our sewer and reclaimed water-irrigation system.

All of us have a very important role to play in keeping the facility operational, the irrigation water clean and rates as low as possible. What goes down the drain directly impacts the facility and the water.  Anything that isn’t biodegradable has to be mechanically or manually removed which costs everyone more. If we don’t do our part, fees will increase to keep the facility operating in accordance with the permit standards and to the health and benefit of the green spaces.

The Hidden Springs Sewer Company, LLC (HSSC) is a stand-alone business entity owned by the Hidden Springs Town Association. The wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) located in the hills just west of Hidden Springs, provides wastewater treatment services to properties in Hidden Springs and Cartwright Ranch. Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) is the permitting and regulatory authority over HSSC facility operations and land use application of treated wastewater. While HSSC is private wastewater treatment utility, it is managed as a non-profit for the benefit of the community it services. The system is operated by OMCS, LLC, a professional wastewater treatment operations company. HSSC treats and serves homes for Hidden Springs Town Association and Cartwright Ranch Town Association. The treated water is used for the irrigation of the green spaces within Hidden Springs. This water is cleaned and treated for use by a process that is tightly governed by IDEQ. 

Is it safe and effective?
The technology utilized at the HSSC wastewater treatment facility has been used for over 50 years.  Environmental regulatory agencies have recognized this treatment as safe and effective when properly operated and maintained.  The system is regulated by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, who approved the design of the facility and regularly inspects and monitors its performance.

Are there problems with odor?
The wastewater treatment facility was designed and constructed to minimize odor issues.  While the developers of Hidden Springs expended a great deal of effort to eliminate such issues, Hidden Springs Sewer Company cannot guarantee that there will never be any odor from the system.  However, the probability of there being odors periodically are the same or less than from other municipal sewer systems (i.e., City of Boise sewer system).

As a resident of Hidden Springs and Cartwright Ranch, you can help protect our sewer system!
FLUSH only the three ‘P’s’ down the toilet - Pee, Poop & toilet Paper.  Throw trash into a waste bin or recycle it – don’t put it down the drain! Keep fats, oils and grease (FOG) out of your kitchen sink!  When poured down the drain, FOG can build up in pipes and equipment and cause significant problems in the sewer system and wastewater treatment plant.  Hazardous chemicals (i.e., garden pesticides, automotive fluids) should be disposed of at the Hidden Hollow Landfill or a mobile collection site.  
Avoid salt-based regenerative water softeners to protect the WWTF and community green spaces!
Salt (sodium and potassium chloride) pose serious environmental threats, from harming aquatic and marine life in the discharge areas (rivers, lakes) to damaging the delicate biochemical balance in the soil. After an extensive investigation in 2015-2016, it was determined that the Autumn Blaze Maples along W. Hidden Springs Dr were suffering significant health challenges due to excessive salt in the irrigation water. Testing revealed a high concentration of salt in the sewage water, most likely from regenerative soft water systems. Replacing and restoring the trees was a costly project for the Association. IDEQ requires HSSC to monitor salts and address the impacts. Removing salt from the influent water to protect the facility and quality of the effluent requires microfiltration and reverse osmosis equipment; an extremely expensive upgrade estimated to be a multimillion-dollar project. To avoid increased sewer costs, all customers are asked to avoid salt or potassium chloride regenerative water softeners. There are salt-free or tank exchange system options available.

We hope the information provided helps you participate in the health and well-being of our community and impresses upon you, the direct role you play in keeping our sewer fees as low as possible.