Barn Owl Trail Easement 2021

Boise City/Ridge to Rivers contacted the Hidden Springs Town Association Management Team and the Open Space Committee regarding a revocable easement on Hidden Springs land in order to complete construction of the Barn Owl Trail.

Barn Owl Trail (purple and red dash lines) is a Cartwright Ranch Town Association Trail that Ridge to Rivers will be incorporating into their regional trail system.  Barn Owl Trail will connect with the Cartwright Ridge Trail (white dash line) forming a large loop and connections to Pierce Park and Polecat area trails. Based on the topography, a sustainable trail route has been identified and approximately 400 lineal feet is on Hidden Springs Property (blue dashed line).

Hidden Springs Town Association has been asked to grant a revocable easement for this proposed Ridge to Rivers trail. This trail will be constructed and maintained by Ridge to Rivers.

Hidden Springs South Trail (second orange dash line) would connect to the Barn Owl Trail. The Open Space Committee is working on a reroute for the South Trail. The South Trail originated as a social trail and it is very steep and not sustainable. The goal is to identify a reroute that is enjoyable and provides the community a connection to Barn Owl Trail and the Cartwright Ridge Trail. More information will be shared with the community later this year with a public comment period dedicated to the South Trail Reroute.

At this time, the Open Space Committee welcomes your comments and suggestions regarding Hidden Springs Town Association granting a single revocable easement that will cover approximately 400 feet of trail in two sections to complete the construction of Barn Owl Trail at the south east corner of Hidden Springs property adjacent to Cartwright Ranch and City of Boise, Parks and Recreation land. 

Comments may be submitted to the Hidden Springs Town Association Office at  All comments must be received by the end of the comment period, close of business (5:00 pm) on Friday April 2, 2021.

Please contact the Town Office, 208-229-2326 or for more information about the Open Space Committee or proposed easement for Barn Owl Trail.