Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming meetings and events!


OS Meeting 5/2 @ 6:00pm
TDRB Meeting 5/16 @ 7:00am
OS Meeting 6/6 @ 6:00pm
TDRB Meeting 6/13 @ 7:00am
TC Meeting 6/20 @ 7:00pm

News from HSTA

HSSC Outbuilding for Meters
Thursday, April 20, 2023
You might recall mention (refer to Sewer Company Meeting Minutes and the 2022 Annual Report) of the Outbuilding for housing flow and chloride content meters along the main sewer line from Cartwright Ranch prior to the connection to the main sewer line in Hidden Springs. Prior to submittal of a development application, Ada County Code requires a meeting between the applicant and neighbors within a 300’ radius of the project. The meeting is Wednesday, 5/17 at 6:30pm at the Community Barn.
2022 Year End Financial Disclosure
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Below please find the Association's 2022 year end financials.

Per the Association's governing documents and in accordance with Title 55: Chapter 32: 3205: (4) Within sixty (60) days of the close of the fiscal year, a homeowner’s association or its agent must provide all members of the organization, and the member's agent, if any, with an up-to-date and reconciled financial disclosure for the fiscal year. 

HSTA 2022 Balance Sheet 

HSSC 2022 Balance Sheet


2023 Town Council Meetings
Monday, April 17, 2023
Hidden Springs Town Association, Town Council Meetings are held once a month and open for residents to attend. Meetings start at 7:00pm. Attend in person at the Community Barn or online via ZOOM. To attend via Zoom register and login at 7:00pm. 
Hidden Springs Sewer Company business will be addressed first and open to both Hidden Springs and Cartwright Ranch. Hidden Springs Town Association business will be addressed second followed by an executive session (if needed).
Meeting Dates:
  4/18 7/18 10/17
  5/23 8/22 11/9
  6/20 9/19 12/5
And the Annual Meeting 12/12
Please check here to confirm meeting dates as they are subject to change to due volunteer personal and professional commitments. 
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Hidden Springs Town Association and Hidden Springs Sewer Company Annual Reports are below. The reports include financials, project updates and plans for 2023. The information provided by the Association to its members is not to be considered public and may not be copied or further disseminated in any manner, including online via any website or social media platform. Questions regarding content may be directed to the Town Council or to the Town Manager ( 

HSTA 2023 Budget

HSSC 2023 Budget

HSSC Annual Meeting Presentation

HSTA Annual Member Meeting Presentation

Friday, October 28, 2022

The evaluation for the Hidden Springs Fire Station has been completed. Below is the break out for the classification for insurance purposes. 

  • Homes and Businesses  with a fire hydrant located within 1,000 feet of the fire hydrant and within 5 miles from the Hidden Springs/ Eagle Station 5 Fire Station will be a class 3 protection class.
  • Homes and Businesses  with a fire hydrant located within 1,000 of the fire hydrant and 5-7 miles from the Hidden Springs / Eagle Station 5 Fire Station will be a Class 3W protection class.
  • Homes with no hydrant located within  1,000 feet and within 5 miles of the Hidden Springs / Eagle Station 5 will be a Class 8 protection class.
  • Businesses with no hydrant located within 1,000 feet  and within 5 miles of the Hidden Springs / Eagle Station 5 will be a Class 9 protection class.
  • Homes and Businesses with no hydrant located within 1,000 feet and  between 5 to 10  of the Hidden Springs / Eagle Station 5 will be a Class 10 protection class
  • Anything over 10 miles to a fire station will be a Class 10 fire protection class.

The Idaho Survey and Rating Bureau has an effective date of October 1, 2022.  The individual homeowner may want to contact their insurance agent to see if they would accept the class change now some may and some may not.

Please click here for a letter stating Eagle Fire Station 5 has full-time staffing and giving new ISRB rating parameters for the Dry Creek Valley. This my be helpful for insurance purposes.

Friday, July 2, 2021

If you are selecting new exterior colors for your home, complete and submit a Design Review and Exterior Color Selection form (available on the website or in the Town Office). Completed forms with paint chips can be dropped off at the Town Office any time.  Please allow 10 working days for this process. If you are painting your home using the existing colors (not changing anything), you do not need approval.

FLAG POLES/FLAGS (Policy 1500/Idaho Code 55-115)
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Temporary U.S. Flags may be mounted in flagpole holders attached to the front walls of a residential structure.  Temporary U.S. Flags must be removed from display by sundown of such display date to comply with U.S. Flag courtesies, procedures and etiquette. Such flags must be in good condition and any faded or torn flags must be replaced.  No banners or flags are permitted that advertise any commercial product or entity.* Seasonal flags must be removed within an appropriate time frame (Policy 1500, Idaho Code 55-115, United States Code Title 4, Section 1). Permanent flagpoles for the purpose of displaying the flag of the United States of America, the State of Idaho, the POW/MIA flag, or an official or replica flag of any branch of the United States Armed Forces may be temporarily or permanently displayed on a flagpole per the guidelines outlined in Policy 1500 and in accordance with Idaho Code 55-115.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

With the day before and day of trash pick-up being the exception, a CC&R Violation Notice will be issued if your trash cans are left in the street, alley and/or not properly screened.  Trash cans need to be stored in the garage or screened from view by fencing, walls or planting and integrated into the building design (requires TDRB approval).  Refer to CC&R Section 6.5 Nuisances for the entire list of nuisances and section 2.15 Exterior Service Areas/Satellite Dishes in the Residential Design Guidelines which also prohibits the placement of un-screened garbage cans. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Per the governing documents, improvements require design review as set forth in the Residential Design Guidelines, Section 5.0. This is not a new process or procedure and has been a requirement since the governing documents were drafted in 1997. Town Design Review Board meetings are held monthly. Review dates and forms can be found on the website and/or emailed upon request. Submissions are due the Friday before the Wednesday meeting. Improvements include but are not limited to the following:

Exterior Remodels
Sheds (No plastic or aluminum)
Play Structures/Houses
Landscape Remodels
Concrete Patios
Covered Patios
Pet Enclosures
Zip Lines
Spas (above or in ground)
Raised Garden Boxes
Fire Pits
Thursday, January 23, 2020

The HOA is now utilizing AME Electric for the community’s street light service and repair.  The HSTA conducts a monthly inspection and reports any street lights in need of repair to AME.  If you notice a bulb out or damaged fixture, please email the information and location to  As a ballast or bulb goes out, AME will be retrofitting the fixtures to LED.  LEDs are up to 50 percent more energy efficient than the high-pressure sodium bulb and are rated for 40,000-hour average life, conserving energy and saving the HOA money in the long term.  LEDs also provide better street lighting, improve visibility and are Dark Sky compliant.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Hidden Springs Elementary School is the only elementary school in the Boise School District fortunate enough to have a tennis courts on school property. Principal Thaemert asked the Town Office to remind residents that the tennis courts are on school district property. Over the years, Principal Thaemert and Boise School District have been more than happy to share the courts with the community neighborhood.  Just like the other school facility buildings and grounds they are not open for public use during general school hours (8:00am-4:00pm) or when being used for a school sanctioned event, like a track meet, school carnival, etc. They currently have only one net up because during COVID they have been using the space for alternate school activities. The other net was destroyed due to vandalism.  They hope to have both nets up and ready for use by the school and community early Fall 2021.

DRONE USE (Ada County Ordinance No. 883//2018)
Friday, March 4, 2022

If you are operating a drone, please be aware of your surroundings, familiarize yourself with drone laws in Idaho (Ada County Ordinance No. 883//2018) and respect your neighbors’ right to privacy.  Flying a drone over private property can be construed as video voyeurism and/or disturbing the peace.  If you see a drone hovering over your property or a neighbor’s property, at a window or following a person, please call the Ada County Sheriff’s non-emergency line @ 208-377-6790. Ada County Ordinance No. 883 // 2018: This ordinance requires anyone flying a drone, regardless of the drone’s weight or intended use, in Ada County to register their drone with the FAA. The ordinance also states that drones should not be operated in a way that would cause damage to people or property, nor should drones be used for the purpose of capturing a person’s visual image, audio recording, or other physical impression in any place where the person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Many of the existing wood fences in the Hidden Springs Community are in need of restoration, repair and staining.  CC&R Courtesy Reminders will be issued this spring if your fence needs attention. In an effort to create a consistent and harmonious look, fresh appearance and maintain property values a new wood stain color was approved by the Town Design Review Board (TDRB) for Hidden Springs, Sherwin Williams Deck Shagbark 3001 (or BEHR Cordovan Brown SC 104 same color alternative brand) solid stain (September 2019).

  • Re-staining an existing wood privacy fence: You can re-stain your existing wood fence with the stain color previously approved for your fence (Olympic Semi Transparent White Birch 901 or Cedar Natural Tone) or use the new color, Sherwin Williams Deck Shagbark 3001 (or BEHR Cordovan Brown SC 104 same color alternative brand) solid stain. Use of ANY OTHER color or stain must be submitted to the TDRB for consideration. 
  • Staining a wood privacy fence for the first time (i.e. new or replacement): If you are constructing a wood privacy fence for the first time or, you are re-constructing a wood privacy fence in disrepair, the approved stain color is Sherwin Williams Deck Shagbark 3001 (or BEHR Cordovan Brown SC 104 same color alternative brand) solid stain. Use of ANY OTHER color or stain must be submitted to the TDRB for consideration. 
Friday, November 6, 2020
The Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) details the obligations and responsibilities of all Hidden Springs' property owners and residents.  Below are the most typical problem areas along with where further information can be found in the CC&Rs. We can all contribute to the value and appeal of Hidden Springs by avoiding these CC&R violations.
#1 - Improperly placed or improperly screened trash bins [garbage cans]. Refer to Residential Design Guidelines section 2.15 and CC&R section 6.5 Nuisances.
#2 - Dogs causing a disturbance, barking, running free without a leash, making waste in neighboring yards, and pet waste not being cleaned up, resulting in odors. Refer to CC&R section 6.10 Animals/Pets.
#3 - Boats, campers, RVs and utility trailers parked for over 72 hours.  Refer to Residential Design Guidelines section 2.11 and CC&R section 6.9 Vehicles and Equipment.
#4 - Various forms of debris allowed to pile up on home sites such as lumber, tires, furniture, boxes, paint cans, and yard waste.  Refer to CC&R section 6.5 Nuisances.
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